Writing Retreat

The Resource Recovery from Waste Retreat

A Resource Recovery from Waste Retreat to integrate perspectives and generate key messages from across the programme.

The Resource Recovery from Waste (RRfW) programme pursues a circular economy and is formed by research projects focused on waste recycling, use and valorisation. An interdisciplinary view, multidimensional assessment of values, considering waste as a resource, and the co-creation of a shared voice on waste and resource management are of the utmost importance in order to capture the complexity of the different systems affecting waste generation and management. This mini-project will provide the time and space required for synergies to occur and key messages to be shaped by our academic, government and industry partners.

The idea of this mini-project is simple: encourage the generation and integration of RRfW partners’ perspectives by sharing a quiet, motivating and inspirational environment for writing and knowledge exchange. Therefore, this mini project provides appropriate space, time and orientation in order to ensure synergies emergence and promote productive writing. This mini-project aims to bring together relevant RRfW partners for the production of shared publications as well as to develop and strengthen the RRfW network.

An important underlying outcome of the retreat will be the further integration of perspectives from across RRfW projects; consolidating our shared voice on waste and resource management, which will be reflected in a more coherent set of publications and contribute to uptake of our research findings.

The writing retreat laid the foundations for the following key outputs for RRfW:

  1. In collaboration with the Frontiers journals platform, RRfW coordinated a Research Topic of journal articles to raise visibility and drive momentum in resource recovery from waste research. Please see: Resource Recovery from Waste Research Topic.
  2. A book on Resource Recovery from Waste will be published by the Royal Society of Chemistry in the coming months.